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Friday, September 26, 2008

Blue H1 reviews

Here are some good reviews of the Blue H1 which just went on sale (see previous post) -

Just Another Dreamer provides a thorough review. Conclusions -

- Small pocket-able size
- Sexy-glossy finish
- Simulated 1024*728 resolution
- 40 Gb HDD
- Excellent battery life (thanks to the VIA processor)
- Excellent value

- Default 800*480 resolution
- Slightly underpowered processor.
- Can't upgrade processor to C7 1.2 Ghz or 1.6 Ghz
- Only known service center is in Gilmore
- Just like Creative Zens which beats Apple iPods on almost all grounds, Deep Blue H1 doesn't have enough market share to make it a brag-worthy gadget like Asus EEE PC

Yehey! News also has a good review here.


Drei said...

My GF and I bought a Blue H1 last October 2008. She takes very good care of it, and always warns me to put it down softly even when I was going to place it on her bed! Anyway, this brand has a lot of harware problems, particularly the keyboard. For the past year, she encountered malfunctions (or no function whatsoever) of the keys. This has occurred multiple times. Then just as the warranty expires, the keyboards fail again! So be warned. Another friend of her’s also junked her Blue H1 less than a year from buying it. Your better of buying the more expensive brands than this piece of sh*t.