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Thursday, February 14, 2008

HOWTO - Mount SD card as part of the unionfs

albkwan of Eeeuser forum has posted a tutorial on how to mount an SD card as part of the unionfs. What this allows you to do is to gain back memory space on the SSD storage (quite important for 2G users) since all user data will now be written to the SD/SDHC card instead.

It also allows you to share your Eee PC with others since each user can have his/her own SD card to store personal data or programs, without the need to configure different user profiles. You can also have different versions of the default Xandros on different SDHCs: one for daily use, one for testing, another one hopefully with a low latency kernel, etc.

The approach is fully upgradeable and you don't need to worry about wearing of the SSD (which is now read only). Any sign of disk read/write error on the SD, you just buy a new SD and move all your data there.

If you intend to try this out, be sure to read the entire thread as albkwan updated his instructions.