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Friday, September 21, 2007

Video Twitter, Anyone?

Given that the Asus Eee PC’s form factor and light weight lends itself to being carried around like a mobile phone (well, actually it would be more like inside a bag), it is likely this product may yet be the catalyst that sustains, or even increases the momentum of the blogging industry. For those of you following the blogging world, some analysts have been predicting a slowdown in its growth starting this year. Some have even ventured that the number of blogs (estimated 70 million as of April 2007 according to Technorati) may even level off. Of course, the more optimistic ones expect the growth to continue.

Whatever the trend may actually be, the Asus Eee PC is just the right device to bring along anywhere. It has built-in WiFi. It can accommodate a USB HSDPA plug-in. Worst case, you can have dial-up. So Internet access is a no-brainer. It would not be difficult to visualize hordes of bloggers holed up on their favorite couch at the local Starbucks blogging away on their Asus Eee PCs.

What’s more, with the built-in webcam (well, except for the entry-level models), uploading snapshots (or with sufficient bandwidth, video) of their environment becomes very easy, practically second-nature. Thus they can provide graphic updates periodically – not that most people would be interested. But still, something sort of a video Twitter.