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Friday, March 14, 2008

Asus predicts Windows Eee PC will outsell Linux version

From Computerworld -

Asus is predicting Windows Eee PCs will outsell the original Xandros version by a ratio of 6 to 4 by the end of this year. At a projected sales of 5 million unit for the year, this would mean Asus is expected to ship some 3 million Windows-based units. It would also mean increased revenues as the Windows version costs almost twice as much over the cheapest Linux model.

Complete article can be read here.


Asus' latest projection, coupled with the announcements of the new Eee PC models costing more than USD500, might be an indication the company is losing its original focus of targeting the so-called 2nd billion users. Asus might gain additional revenue with the higher priced Windows model but it does so at the expense of diluting the Eee PC brand in the low-cost ultraportable market segment that it created in the first place. Simply put, Asus is opening the doors wide for the competition to dethrone the Eee PC in said market segment.

For more on this, read Why Windows-based Asus Eee PCs are a Mistake.