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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Wintel 7 machines freeze out iPhone

From The Register -

Per user complaints posted on Apple's discussion board, computers based on the Intel P55 chipset and running Windows 7 have problems recognizing the iPhone, with sync attempts getting an error message - "error 0xE8000065" - an iPhone-connection failure notification. The problem also occurs when using a PC's motherboard-based USB port or a powered USB hub, while attempts to use a PCI-based USB card, which bypasses the P55's on-board USB controller, sometimes end with the BSOD (blue screen of death).

Some users have had success with fixes including deleting the iPodDevices.xml file from C:\Users username\AppData\Local\Apple Computer\iTunes, by disabling Bonjour, or by digging into the BIOS to turn on C-state capability.