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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Asus Eee PC 900 prelaunch in Singapore

Lead submitted by vrzone24 hrs, courtesy of ClubEee at Singapore

According to a post by Visionary in the VR Zone forums, there will be 2 Asus Eee PC 900 models - 20GB Linux and 12GB XP both same price at ~US$499. Expect prices to be different in each country.

International Launch Schedule as follows:
Hong Kong - 15th Apr
UK - 15th Apr
France - 17th Apr
Taiwan - 22/24th Apr
Singapore - xxth Apr
Australia - End Apr or early May
Germany - May
Italy - May

You can read the entire thread here.

In addition, the Eeeuser forum also has a Asus Eee PC 900 thread, complete with photos. You can read the thread here.

Thanks, vrzone24 hrs.

BTW ClubEee is a subforum of the VR Zone Forums. You can access all other ClubEee threads here.