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Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Matter of Inches

With netbook prices having plummeted down to the $200 level, not a few original Asus Eee PC 701 owners have been tempted to switch (or is it upgrade?) to newer models. A Pinay Mindset deliberates over this dilemma in choosing between an 8.9" model and a larger 10" unit.

With the price difference between the two at roughly only $40, the inclination to go with the larger one is practically irresistible. However in terms of ergonomics, the dimensions and weight of the smaller 8.9 unit are just about at the maximum for impulse tote-ability.

Quite an interesting read for a Sunday afternoon plus if you have an eye for beauty, you may want to check out the blogger's other blog - Pinay Pretty Faces. Gotta admit, we came across A Pinay Mindset through that. :)