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Friday, December 7, 2007

Asus Eee PC 8G's SSD is on Mini PCI-e Card

ayi45tw of the Eeeuser forum has posted photos of an Asus Eee PC 8G showing there is no flash memory storage on the main logic board. Instead all 8G are on a mini PCIe card as shown below.


Interestingly, there have been reports that the installation of a mini PCI-e card disables the flash memory installed on the main logic board of 4G models. However some users have reported otherwise, claiming to have been able to increase their RAM using SSD mini PCI-e cards.

Whatever the case may be, given Asus' approach, we can't help but wonder - How do 8G owners now install mini PCI-e cards such as HSDPA modems? If they take out the SSD card, then their unit won't have any memory storage at all. Then what about the 4G owners whose units don't have the PCI-e connector? Obviously they won't be able to upgrade their memory using these SSD cards.

It is really surprising, or rather disappointing, to see a company as large as Asus, adopt such an inconsistent production (missing mini PCI-e connectors, missing RAM access panel cover) for what could arguably be their best product so far in making their company brand a worldwide household name.