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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Changing the Game

From Manila Standard Today, an insightful perspective by Chin Wong in his column the Digitl Life into the impact of the Asus Eee PC -

WHAT’S the best-selling notebook computer on Amazon.com? If you guessed the new MacBook Air, guess again.

Five of the 10 best-selling notebooks, including the top three models this weekend do not run Windows or Mac OS X. In fact, they are different models of the same dimunitive notebook the Asus Eee PC—that runs on Linux.

The signifiance of this development is easy to miss, particularly if you have your head buried in the Windows or Mac OS X world. (The other five models on Amazon’s list over the weekend were versions of the MacBook; there were no Windows machines in the top 10.) For the first time, a Linux-based consumer product is making waves, not just among geeks but among buyers.

You can read the complete story here.