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Saturday, January 5, 2008

Weepy Casus Belli

Came across this fun site - Howjsay, which features an English pronouncing dictionary. Out of curiosity, I typed in "Asus." To my surprise, the dictionary has an entry for it. Not bad, or so I thought.

So next, I typed in "Eee PC." Nope. Nada. No entry. Instead, the dictionary offered its nearest entry - Weepy. Hmmm. That could be a nickname for my Eee PC. Not that it makes me want to cry but simply because it would make for a good ice-breaker.

Just for the heck of it, I decided to try the whole phrase "Asus Eee PC." To no surprise, there was also no entry. But what do you know? The nearest entry turns out to be "casus belli. " Rather appropriately, as it is Latin for the justification for acts of war. In a way, the Eee PC is Asus' way of declaring "war" on its competition. And it is making them cry (weepy).

So there - Weepy casus belli. :)