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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Samsung N310 Now Available in US

From Portable Monkey -

BestBuy appears to be the first U.S. store to have the Japanese designed Samsung N310 available for ordering online. However, only the blue model is available at $479.99 (not including shipping and tax). Specs include Atom N270 processor, 1GB RAM, 10.1” 1024 x 600 Display, 160GB HDD, 1.3MP Webcam, 802.11b/g Wi-Fi, Windows XP, 2.7 lbs. weight, 1.1" thickness and the higher capacity 6-cell lithium-ion battery as opposed to the 4-cell battery 4400mAh seen in the UK models.

Expected shipping date of 1-2 weeks.

Best Buy Product page here.