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Friday, November 2, 2007

Asus Eee PC Supports 2GB RAM But...

From the Mobile01 forum, kevinj has reported upgrading his Asus Eee PC's RAM to 2 GB using a Kingston 2GB SO-DIMM.

In spite of the difference in the operating voltage - 1.8V for the SO-DIMM and 1.65 V for the Asus EEE PC, kevinj went ahead to determine whether the unit can operate reliably with the upgrade.

The Asus Eee PC booted up fine under Windows XP and easily recognized the 2GB RAM.

Test results prove operation is stable.

But over at the Eeeuser forum, member ayi45tw also upgraded his unit to 2GB but encountered a problem with the Xandros OS recognizing only 1GB even when the BIOS recognizes 2GB.

ayi45tw's 2GB upgrade


BIOS shows 2GB




But Xandros shows 1GB only.
