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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Should Linux Standardize on a Single Distro?

Linux Journal provides the pros and cons of whether the Linux community should standardize on a single distribution -

Advantages of a Single Linux Distro

* Linux support would be simplified, as the question of "what distro" wouldn't be relevant.
* Software vendors could release a single package that would install on all Linux desktops.
* The apt/rpm/yum/up2date/synaptic wars would end.
* Linux certification would be easier to define.

Disadvantages to a Standard Linux Distribution

* A select few individuals at the top would control the present and future direction of Linux.
* There would be no internal competition in the Linux community. How sad would it be if we only had Windows and OSX to compare ourselves to?
* We lose the ability to choose, which is a fundamental part of everything Linux stands for.

Conclusion? - Thankfully, you have the right to choose whatever you like. And that's the way it should be.

Source article here.