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Thursday, January 3, 2008

A 1 minute 640x480 stretch reversible hardware hack

From the Eeeuser forum, as posted by ziddan -

I was thinking today that perhaps its possible to fool the eee pc into thinking there is an external monitor plugged in.

After a lot googling i found the answer!

People installing OSX on intel laptops have been having problems with it BSODing if an external monitor was not plugged in.

Someone found a dead simple fix for it, i tried it on my eee.

Here is how to get the eee to think a monitor is plugged in:


Ive inserted pieces of a paper clip as per a picture from a mugan on the insanelymac forums.


With this the Eee PC detects a secondary monitor, meaning it can be set to clone mode, thereby 640x480 stretched with the standard driver.


Additional information, including improved variations of the hack and screenshots, can be viewed here.