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Monday, January 21, 2008

Commenting on Walt Mossberg's Eee PC Review

By this time I am sure most readers have come across Walt Mossberg's review of the Asus Eee PC, "Asus Offers Travelers Small, Mobile Eee PC, but It’s Too Cramped" over at the All Things Digital site. From the title alone, it is obvious his review is not so positive.

Instead of providing a rebuttal, as would be expected from an Eee PC-oriented site, I would rather cite one of the comments posted at the site. Posted by Joe Webb at January 17th, 2008 at 4:47 am, it reads in part -

"As a kid I was a fan of Mad Magazine, and I remember their spoof of Consumer Reports (from Google I have learned it was #132, January 1970, for fellow Mad fans). A story in the spoof noted that the editors had forgotten to review a model of toaster in a previous issue, and that the review could be found elsewhere in the magazine. Of course it was. They reviewed it under sewing machines, complaining about the smell when they put cloth in it."
