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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Asus Eee PC eBook Reader Mod

According to GottaBeMobile a forum member at Overclockers Australia is building a slate form factor tablet PC from the bones of an Asus eee PC. The Sketchup image above shows what the finished product will look like. Per the thread -

"With the 9” model of the Asus eee pc being released, numerous 7” models were being sold for bargain prices in OCAU’s trade section. I bought such a model coming to approximately $255 AUD, which is much much less then the Sony e-book reader which came to $430 AUD with shipping.

Now this would save me almost $200 AUD, and as an advantage I have a color screen instead of B&W, ability to surf the WWW, wireless connection, ability to do more then read books, be used as a pad to jot down uni notes."

Source article here.