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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Save the Netbooks: fighting a trademark on extinct hardware

From Ars Technica -

Save the Netbooks! is a grass-roots movement organized to fight Psion's trademark threat on the term "netbook." Back in January, Psion, which alleges it owns the term, started sending cease and desist letters to retailers, manufacturers, and websites using the netbook trademark. And recently, Psion managed to talk Google into banning the term "netbook" from being used in AdSense ads.

But now, the Save the Netbooks campaign is working on taking back the word as a generic term. Its first mission is to reverse the Google AdWords "netbook" ban and is encouraging users to go to the Google AdWords Complaints Procedure page and fill out a form to voice their opinions on the ban. There's also a Twitter account to keep users updated on how things are going and a Facebook group that people can join to show their support.

Save the Netbook campaign website here.

Save the Netbook Facebook account here.

Save the Netbook Twitter account here.