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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Windows losing market share to Mac and Linux

From TG Daily -

A Net Application's Market Share report shows that Windows is losing ground to Mac OS X and Linux at an accelerating rate. Declining from a 90.73% market share to just 88.26%, Windows has given ground to Mac OS X which has moved from 8.03% to 9.93%, and Linux (all flavors) has moved from 0.76% to 0.83%.

The study is based on information gathered from 160 million monthly visitors to its hosted websites. The data set is not conclusive, but is a very high representative sampling due to the large number of unique users.

Net Application's full "Operating System Market Share" breakout:

Year Windows Mac Linux
2004 96.36% 3.25% 0.29%
2005 95.97% 3.64% 0.31%
2006 94.85% 4.68% 0.38%
2007 92.91% 6.40% 0.46%
2008 90.73% 8.03% 0.76%
January 2009 88.26% 9.93% 0.83%
Change from
Dec'08 to Jan'09 alone
to 88.27%
to 9.93%
to 0.82%