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Sunday, October 28, 2007

Asus Eee PC Gets a U.S. Price and Release Date

From the NotebookReview forum -

Look for the Asus Eee PC 4G to be available Thursday, November 1 for a price of $399.99.

The Sales Kit for the Asus Eee PC sent to resellers has a slide indicating availability of the three models coming to the U.S. this year, below is a screenshot of this slide:

The site actually has an Eee PC 4G in hand at the moment and in fact has a video of it. There's no indication on how many units Asus will have on hand to sell, but given the $399 price point it probably won't sell as fast as they'd hope. Asus this summer dangled the carrot of $199 but instead is now pushing a $399 price, a similar price to budget Windows laptops, so that sigh you just heard is one of disappointment.