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Thursday, April 10, 2008

How to Overclock the ASUS Eee PC (XP/Vista)

Our good friend Vito Cassisi has written an in-depth, easy to follow, step-by-step tutorial on overclocking the Asus Eee PC over at his Cyb3rglitch Tutorials site.

He starts off by providing an intro to overclocking -

Overclocking the Eee is the best way to improve its performance. Many people add extra RAM, faster RAM (which is a waste of time, more on this later), and cut down their OSs (see here) in order to squeeze every last bit of processing power available.

What is overclocking?
Overclocking is the process of increasing component clock speeds above stock.

Theory behind overclocking
Overclocking is not a difficult concept, but it does require some background knowledge. Due to the identical processing hardware in each Eee PC, knowing the theory isn't essential for this guide, but if you're interested, read this tutorial on the subject here.

He then proceeds to explain the different ways of overclocking the Asus Eee PC and why he prefers using the EeeCtl software. After which he follows with a step-by-step tutorial, complete with screen caps, a couple of which are shown below.

The eeectl.ini file:

OCCT stability test:

All told, it is an easy to comprehend, well-written and very useful tutorial for those looking to make their Eee PCs run faster.

You can read the entire tutorial here.


Paulus de Best said...

No way... eeectl says my settings are 48,176,1 which OCCT reads as 960,8 and 106,8 mhz, a 6,08% overclock. I've got a 904HD, BIOS v.1401

I don't know, but my FSB seems to be multiplied by 20. System gets unstable if I modify those parameters...

GMAbooster does not seem to work over 200 mhz either.