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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

7 Tools To Make Your WinXP Netbook Shine

GigaOM has compiled a list of free tools that can help you make your Windows XP netbook a more productive device -

SyncToy: keeps any two folders in sync automatically

Tweak UI: lets you customize how Windows XP looks on small screens.

Virtual Desktop Manager: lets you use up to four virtual desktops to keep things easy to see on a small screen.

SharpKeys: lets you easily remap keys based on your preferences.

Foxit Reader: A PDF reader that handles documents better and faster than the standard Adobe Reader.

Xplorer2: A file manager that is highly configurable so you can better take advantage of the small screen and trackpad on the netbook.

Windows Movie Maker: makes it a breeze to create slide shows to using photos.

Download links here.