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Friday, December 21, 2007

Asus Eee PC Mini-Laptop Selling at a Rate of One Billions Dollars Per Year

Submitted by mike reynolds -

From Quantworks, as its tagline says, "a creative and artistic vision of quantitative matter" on Asus Eee PC's explosive sales figures -


* Assume that shipments count for sales
* So that's 175,000 units per month, rounded up to 200,000 to make the math easier
* = 2,400,000 units over 12 months
* At $400/unit on average, annual sales is $960,000,000 alone for the Asus Eee PC, or nearly one billion dollars.

That is, indeed, quite a staggering number for what a product that is supposedly a niche item.

Full article can be read here. BTW, I think a picture of Mini-me would have been more appropriate. Especially one photoshopped to show him carrying the Asus Eee PC. :)