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Thursday, December 13, 2007

eeeXubuntu: because life is too short to spend all day looking for help in a forum

A customized Ubuntu version for the Asus Eee PC, called eeeXubuntu, is now available the Eeeuser Wiki site.

Described by the site as "eeeXubuntu is a custom version of the Xubuntu 7.10 Live CD with fully-integrated hardware support, including native wireless drivers, functioning Ethernet support, tweaks for low-resolution desktop environments, and other miscellaneous fixes. Wherever possible, these changes are incorporated using custom .deb packages rather than spewing assorted files all over post-install. (”./configure; make; make install”? yuck!)."

The project's goal is to maintain a easy-to-install Xubuntu Live CD image for the eeePC, allowing for a reliable base Xubuntu install. The hardware is all the same… this should be easy.

For Ubuntu-loving Asus Eee PC owners, this represents an early Christmas gift - especially after a couple of abortive attempts by other members of the Eeeuser forum to develop a custom version (even before the Asus Eee PC became commercially available).

And as a bonus, it comes with the best tagline (for a Ubuntu distro -heck, for any OS for that matter) I have seen so far -

"… because life is too short to spend all day looking for help in a forum."