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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

FoxNews - Asus Eee PC - a What Not to Buy this Christmas

From the FoxNews site -

In an article by Lance Ulanoff of PCMag listing the features/components to be avoided when buying computers/notebooks/gadgets this Chrstmas, the photo of the Asus Eee PC was prominently featured at the start.

Its caption reads "The Asus Eee PC, which suffers the misfortune of being inexpensive, having integrated graphics and running Linux on a flash-memory hard drive."

The Eee PC wasn't mentioned again in the main article but among the many supposedly unwanted features listed, the following applies -

Don't buy: Any PC with integrated graphics.

"I promise you that you'll rue the day you saved $200 but did not opt for an nVidia or (ATI) AMD graphics CPU with discrete graphics memory. I contend that discrete graphics capability will speed up your gaming, browsing and video-viewing pleasure."

Don't buy: A sub-$500 laptop.

I came across a deal for a Dell Vostro for under $400. That seems like a real bargain until you try to visit a flash-driven Web site, view online video or play even the simplest PC-based game on one.

Don't buy: Solid-state drives.

These fast hard drives are starting to show up in some laptops, but they're still way too expensive compared with what you pay for the same number of gigabytes on a spinning hard drive. I say wait until next year.

Don't buy: Linux.

The world's cheapest operating system is the darling of every do-it-yourselfer and the potential bane of every cheapskate user.

You'll save money and, I bet, lose your mind if you switch to Linux.

Note to DIYers: This advice is intended for middle-of-the-road tech consumers. You, with the screwdriver in your hand, please feel free to download as many copies of Ubuntu as you want.


I thought I was going to put my comments about the article here but I figure the article speaks for itself, or rather, the ignorance of the writer, never mind that he writes for a trade mag. For me, it only further explains to me, or rather, reminds me of why I no longer access that site. :(