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Friday, December 7, 2007

In-screen Bluetooth Mod

k95507475 of Mobile01 has posted a detailed how-to, including numerous photos, on adding a Bluetooth to the Asus Eee PC. The mod makes use of the USB port that is connected to the webcam and installs the bluetooth beside the screen.

The USB hub and the Bluetooth Dongle

The mod completed.

Webcam still works

Bluetooth addition is shown recognized.

The fact that there are no unsightly dangling wires or protruding dongles make this mod elegant. However, the downside is that because the bluetooth uses the usb port of the webcam, it is automatically turned off if the webcam is disabled.

The original article is in Chinese. For those who want an excellent English translation, Crihz of Eeeuser has provided just that. You can access his post here.